Team Building for Top Management Teams

Best practice approach

As the leading example of teamwork in the organisation it is critical that the management team at the top is a shining example of what they would like to see below. As a best practice approach the top teams step back and reflect on  how to develop further and ensure that the top team is truly working effectively together.

A series of short and sharp workshops

Our facilitators'  expertise offers a series of short and sharp workshops targeted to develop top teams' clear sense of purpose, align the organisation with the vision and business goals and builds the cascading down, synergistic power which the top team needs to display with  clearly measurable factors using a 'traffic light' system.

Building on strengths

Each workshop is unique and interactively designed with the top team involvement. An initial assessment of strengths identifies where the team is and how building on strengths it can move forward. Transform the top management team today into a winning force for change  - contact us to kick-start a bespoke and powerful intervention which is business relevant and releases the power of each of the team members in a truly successful transformation.
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